Level restart works correctly.
Fixed transition between levels.
The bomber returns to its path and is ready to destroy the player.
Saving and loading data is now correct.
All planes fly correctly and try to destroy the player, no false self-destructs.
Gamepad control button settings.
Implemented test auto-aim.
Made a hardcode mode for enthusiasts and achievement hunters (in this mode: only 1 life, no restarts and saves).
Delays have been created before the start and end of the game, there are plans to put a siren or other sounds of preparation for battle there.
The player now has a reload every 10 shots, it's making the game harder.
Made the logic of level completion when the player dies, the player will be asked to complete the level again after death.
Animations for the appearance / decay of transitions between menu items.
Fixed visibility of start button.
The continue button in the menu is not available if there is no saved game.
Added warning windows for deleting saves, exiting the game, restarting the level, returning to the main menu.
Added images of the number of bullets, rockets, barrels the player has.
Added color scheme for the player's life bar.
Improved the system of respawning enemies, now it is more optimal and more productive.
Paused between enemy respawns.
The logic of saving/loading data has been rewritten, now they work better, more clearly and in one file.
Rewritten/optimized the main functions of the interaction of game elements invisible to the player.
Planes collisions have been updated to be smaller and clearer, making them harder to hit.