4 months ago

Had a good Christmas this year, hope you had the same ^^

Finally got an XP pen tablet so I’m gonna start posting art more often in a month or two :)

Anyways here’s some random art, consisting of Pizza Tower, Planet Dolan and a goofy deer

A balanced diet 😊

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@Idiot_Insurance mentioned you in this post

Final prompt I’m drawing from discord

The PS3 has no games.

#art #traditionalart #sketch #doodle #comic #OC #Originalcharacter #silly #funny #goofy

@InfiniteMelon said Beatrix had a lesbian aura, which I though was funny so I made a comic :)

To be clear, I decided characters like Philly and Beatrix don’t have a set sexuality because it’s unimportant to their characters, so do with that what u will ^^


original image

: Aseprite

@gamejolt can you please fix this?

#gamejolt #GJ

Starlo!! :D

Whispy Woods

Saw @DiRel_BlueJi s Toon design of their fnaf OC and really liked it, so I decided to draw him even toonier ^^

#art #traditionalart #sketch #doodle #fanart #fnaf #silly #funny #goofy