Dead Drift

1 year ago

Hey, any devs here using Construct 2/3?

Is there a way for me to make Tweens and Timers of certain objects to respect this object's timescale?

Right now I have objects (like the grenade on the gif above) being added to a Family of objects but when I diminish this Family's timescale (in this case, to 0, to pause everything) not only the grenades continue being thrown but they go through their Z Elevation Tween movement as normal.



Next up

Mission Complete! Yesterday I was thinking hard about Dead Drift and I had a game design breakthrough!

If you're interested in this kind of design stuff, click on [Read article] below...

#indiedev #gamedev

Sharing the pixel art I did for a personal project I never got to make. The player would control an enchanted chest that had to investigate the disappearance of its wizard master!

What do you think? Would this had looked cool?



Time for Part 2 of our two-part tutorial on how to create your custom bar in Construct 3!

Click on [Read Article] below!

#gamedev #indiedev

NEW TRAILER: Heat and Run launches into Early Access on Steam & Gamejolt on October 13, 2022.

🎯 4vs4 online shooter game.

✨ Heroes, abilities & block building.

❤️ Wishlist now:

#trailertuesday #earlyaccess #gamedev

Everybody talking about the Super Mario movie and here I am thinking how cool it would be if they made a movie out of THIS game...

Boss battle on mobile device (prototype)

So far this is only a test, in the future it will be finalized.

Hey, folks! It's been a while since I talked about Dead Drift, I wanted to give you folks a (not exactly) brief update!

Click below on [Read Article]!

A photo with Abacaxi, one of my dogs!

And, yes, we're both scraggly dudes.

The Gnome Gang has been tormenting the inhabitants of the Toscana since the world went into the eternal night. They are chaotic, annoying and mildly dangerous. Probably a tiny bit more of a threat now that they have learned how to make bombs.

It's coming, folks!!! Anyone else excited???