15 days ago

Hey everyone, I wanted to take the time to talk about the situation regarding High-Rise.

I hope you'll give it a watch with a good eye and an open mind. This community means a lot to me, and my hope is this can bring people together.

As mentioned in the video, you can find the full script down below, but first, here's the sources linked as promised, along with the music used throughout the video.

Anton Bernsteins pinned comment : https://gamejolt.com/x/permalink/comment/29047563

Game Jolts response post : https://gamejolt.com/p/we-d-like-to-address-the-drama-related-to-the-highrise-game-jam-3jhquygi

Article about Pocket Worlds metaverse and nft from 2022 : https://medium.com/avalancheavax/pocket-worlds-builder-of-metaverses-with-8-years-of-experience-and-2m-monthly-users-to-launch-732c8e30dd28

Ew NFT’s : https://market.immutable.com/collections/0xb0e827c9ab5e68d243f707f832b756981987f704

The article I looked into regarding how difficult it is to destroy an NFT : https://www.metroclick.com/blockchain-solutions/nft-displays/can-an-nft-be-destroyed/#:~:text=There%20are%20a%20few%20ways,can%20never%20be%20used%20again.

The following is the music used throughout the video :

Coinciding Memories https://youtu.be/iKEXpdv6wLg?si=itvnSeq236Yank_a

AWAKEN https://youtu.be/d6GZjB5W1tQ?si=XSeuy3_uv6PrrHbe

Tale of a Cruel World https://youtu.be/b8A_FGr4Pjo?si=yxPjOIfztKZFePz-

Let’s start by making it clear what’s not happening.

Game Jolt is NOT doing NFT’s, nor are they doing anything with blockchain technology.

What they ARE doing, is collaborating with, and promoting a game jam run by a company that does… sort of.  It gets a lil complicated.

The primary goal of this video will be to inform, though I may make my opinions known at times throughout.  However, this isn’t hearsay, or rumors, all of this is verifiable information, sources will be linked down below, and I strongly encourage you to look into these yourself.

Also, some of this may be repeats of info you already know.  If you already know this, then good for you for being informed.  I hope you still learn something or at least enjoy it.

Now, for those who somehow missed the banner on Game Jolts front page (it’s alright, you wouldn’t be the only one) Game Jolt is currently promoting/hosting the High-Rise game jam, which is a place “where creators come together to craft immersive 3D worlds using Highrise Studio!”, a “...Unity package…” where creators can “...make fully interactive 3D worlds in Highrise, a virtual world platform that has built-in avatar and multiplayer features.”

Tldr, it’s a metaverse.

Now, I’m not entirely certain what the limits are for how connected your game has to be to Highrise itself, but it seems like you’ll be using their tools if you want to participate.

(not that anyone watching necessarily does… if we’re being honest?)

Now, I don’t know a ton about metaverses, but tldr I think they’re mmos for adults (which adults already play mmos but that’s besides the point.  Basically, it’s the name for mmos for people who don’t wanna admit that they’re gamers now lol)

All of this seems innocent enough though, whether you like the idea of a metaverse or not.  I’m personally indifferent I think, assuming it works more or less the way I think it does.

But that’s not the only thing they’ve got going on over at High-Rise.

Several people were quick to point out that High-Rise uses blockchain technology for some of its features, and even straight up has an NFT shop called the “High-Rise Creature Club”.

And, if you’ve happened to see any of the hashtags floating around, you’ll know people aren’t very happy about it.

I’m not kidding when I say it’s impossible to exaggerate the scale of this reaction.  It seems like everyone from more underground users to active Creators are at the very least taking a break, or making their opinion known, none of them pleased.

Usually when something like this happens, there’s at least a few people trying to give a counter argument, or something, anything, but the response of the Game Jolt community seems pretty much unanimous.

“This ain’t cool.”

In a way, it’s almost kinda nice seeing everyone agree for once… except it’s all against the very platform itself.

Which, isn’t just a platform I might add, there’s people behind it.

So far, there hasn’t been too much response from GJ themsel- oh.  Oh well nevermind then.

Welp, there goes this half of the script.

Ok, so according to Game Jolt, they consider NFT’s “pretty cringe” (honestly, based opinion there) and “…were unaware of their(High-Rises) past involvement with NFTs, as their current projects are completely separate from that.”

The following from Anton Bernstein, one of the founders of Pocket Worlds, parent company of High-Rise, adds more detail to the matter:

“While we've explored NFTs in the past, we listened to community feedback and reassessed their role in our platform…”

“In line with our commitment to focus on what truly matters at Highrise — our Creators — we moved away from blockchain/NFT development over a year ago…”

“…Today, our focus is on developing technologies that enhance user interaction and stability, without compromising on safety or values.”

In response to the fact that the Creature Club is still available was said the following


We released HCC and LAND in Nov 2021 and May 2022, respectively. After that, we discontinued any NFT/blockchain releases. I hope that clarifies!”

This lines up with the article that mentions block-chain being from 2022, as can be seen clearly here, it’s old.

Now, this is all very nice to hear, no new NFT or blockchain releases is great, but those features ARE still available.  Within Game Jolts post, they also say “While they(Pocket Worlds/High-Rise) haven't made any NFTs since 2022, the ones they made are still here because NFTs are stored on the blockchain, which can't be changed.”

I did a little research, and while the statement does seem a bit reductive, properly destroying a piece of blockchain looks like a real pain in the *hehaw.  Anton Bernstein also goes on to say that “We currently still support HCC and Land inside of Highrise, because we want to honor the people who purchased those virtual goods.”

That doesn’t explain why you can still make new purchases of the already created NFT’s, but I suppose it’s understandable that you wouldn’t want those already spent resources to go to waste.  Not saying I agree with the decision, just saying there’s a reasonable motivation.

Either way, blockchain doesn’t seem to be a focus for High-Rise, and has nothing to do with the jam.  You also aren’t giving them any money, they’re giving you money.

So the worst you could do, is take money from a company with questionable ethics that you dislike.

I’m going to be blunt, I, like most other users on this site… don’t like this collaboration.  And even with the new info, I’m still not a fan.

And, while we now know that most of this is ignorance and misunderstanding on multiple levels and multiple sides, overall, I think this was a mistake.  Perhaps one that could’ve been avoided if multiple people had done things differently.

If for nothing else, for the community.  For the already waning trust between Game Jolt and it’s community.  Regardless of anything else, it still hurt.

Like I said before, I’ve never seen a reaction like this on this site, and I’ve been reasonably active on this platform since the summer of 2020… which is weird to think about by the way lol.

OId person jokes aside, if you’ll allow me, I’d like to say some sentimental stuff.  I’d also like to talk a little bit about Mat Pats final Game Theory.

I know not everyones a fan, but love him or hate him, he’s got a good heart, and I was really moved by his final episode.

I mean, sure, I’ve been watching him since my childhood, but it was a bit more than that.  It was just a really moving message.

One of the things he talked about, was the importance of trust.  Of admitting when you made a mistake.  Of holding others accountable.  And of forgiveness.

I’ve always tried to encourage others to move forward constructively, to a better future.  To focus on what we can do to make things better, rather than just tearing what we don’t like apart.

And I honestly believe we can do that.  As a community.

And no, I’m not just talking about Creators, and no, I’m not even just talking about the users, I mean ALL of US.

The one thing ALL of us have in common, is that we all love to create.  Whether you create games, create art, create music, create memes, create videos, create models, create communities… create websites.

All of us Create.

There’s a responsibility to that too I think.  That we should try to create things that make the world a better place for ourselves, and for those around us.  Most importantly though, that we should try to create trust.

Honest trust.

I think it’s very important to always be respectful.  I mean, of course I do, it was in my name before the whole Jester Hat fiasco, but I really do mean it.

But being respectful, trusting someone, trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, and putting your own best foot forward, doesn’t mean you leave your opinions at the door.  I haven’t.

But sometimes how you say something is just as important as what you’re saying.

Nobody likes being yelled at.  Whether you blame someone for it or not, it’s just human nature.  You have it too.

And Game Jolt does listen, more than some people seem to think.  But like everyone, they’re far more receptive to good, well thought out, respectful criticism.

Remember that post I made about the Gifters Gauntlet?  Well they responded, and guess what?

They agreed!

Not only that, but they’ll be making changes next time around to be more in-line with what I suggested.  Since guess what?

When the website sucks for us, it sucks for them too.

You think they want us to be unhappy?  To hate the site?

Sure, I get it, sometimes it can kinda look that way, but I can say from personal experience that running a larger, or group project is really hard.  That’s not an excuse for everything, but it can be an explanation.

All in all, I think more than anything right now, we as a community need to come together, because ultimately we all want the same thing.

To create a space where we can share the things we create.

And the things that we love.

I’ll be honest, I don’t actually know how big of a deal the jam itself is.  Was thinking this even before the new info.  Like I said before, while I’m not fond of the company from everything I know, the jam itself isn’t going to cause any harm to the environment, nor give the company any money.

The biggest hurt in all of this has been to the community itself.  At least, that’s how I feel.

Whatever YOUR feelings may be, I hope you at least found this video informative.  I think ready access to verifiable information is very important.

I’m hesitant to ask you to spread or share this video, since I don’t wanna feel like I’m profiting off this, but if you want to at all, it would be much appreciated.  You can find the script for this I wrote in the article below.  Copy that if you like instead.

Unfortunately, this is also the time I announce and thank you all for 4,000 followers.  It honestly blows me away how in just 4 months I’ve nearly doubled in the amount of eye balls watching my every move, so thank you all for joining!

I hope you find stuff you like here, and if not, I hope you have better luck somewhere else.

If you know me, you know I don’t usually talk about stuff like this, but I felt there was a lot of stuff here that needed to be said.  I hope this post can be a force for positive change, bringing everyone more together.  Because I honestly believe, when we come together, we can create some truly amazing things!

Or, at the very least, have a lot of fun.

I don’t think there’s much more to add at this point, so with that, I will see you all next time.

And remember, as always…

To follow your heart.



Next up

One of my weirder and creepier arts, this was based on the theme "serpent" back during Joltober

I don't really plan on expanding on it, heads up, but I've toyed with the idea of doing something manga-style, and it was fun to do ^.^

Did an art collab with @KniteBlargh ! First image is the final result, which he rendered and such, and the second image is what I sent him as my part of the collaboration.

Made a Portal 2 puzzle. Do YOU think you know how to solve it?


Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game? A song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!

Thought I’d share a nice picture of dandelions outside my window

They may technically be weeds but let’s be honest, they’re flowers in our hearts (or at least mine anyways lol)

Won’t be able to wish on them for a while, but they’re prettier this way. ^.^

Highrise Game Jam Reminder: In order to enter to win the Jam, your game must be created in Unity and submitted using the Highrise Studio Hub.

Learn all the deets about the jam at https://gamejolt.com/c/gamedev/highrisejam

Made this doodle while playing View Finder

Absolutely loving it so far btw, this game is WILD 👀

Thanks to @Comet321 for suggesting... well.. comet XD

This was really simple and relaxing to draw, and even if it wasn't very intense or complicated, I think it turned out really striking and I like it ^.^

Hope you do as well.

🥳 The Highrise Game Jam is Underway! 🥳

Watch the video for tips on getting started building your first world in Highrise Studio. (Creating and submitting within Highrise Studio Hub is the only way to enter the jam!)

Learn more: https://gamejolt.com/c/gamedev/highrisejam

I just made a new OC named BUTTER and to celebrate I would like to host a fanart contest for my wildly creative OC!

Please make a post of your drawing of BUTTER with #BUTTERART to enter!

My favorite art(s) will get a shout out!

Please draws my OC BUTTER 🥺