1 year ago

Hi all! I'd like to draw attention to three Awesome Artists
in the GAA that you should really support!

Go give them a follow, like their posts, or even just say hi!

Mentions below:

@Genehen She's a relatively new member to GJ, only being around for 28 days at this posting! She makes various digital art pieces and creates 3D models as well!

@ElanArt Another new member of GJ, Elan makes small
pixel art pieces that are just too cute to scroll past!

And last but certainly not least, @Iizuku! A user on GJ for 4 years, but with a criminally small amount of followers. He makes Voxel Nendoroid/Gunpla style 3D models and is also working on a Game!

Let's show them our support and give them some love!!
If there are other artists out there that you'd want to send some more love, @ them below ^^ I'll be sure to check out their works :D



Next up

Domina Blowelive - Mashle Fanart

Experiment success! This is Domina but with cool artistic lighting instead of his regular pink hair. I aimed to have strong contrast through colour and focus on the eyes.

Speedpaint: https://gamejolt.com/p/domina-blowelive-speedpaint-if-there-s-on…

No serious posts today

Here's fat Mash Burnedead as a baby to brighten up your day


The second-ever set of stickers is here!

They'll be available until I cook up a new pack! The first set will be out of rotation. (I can't keep up with a monthly schedule) Have fun collecting 'em all!

GB (Mario's Madness V2) It's more of a doodle tbh.

Sharing some Sticker WIPs...

The last update was...a month ago??? Why does time pass so quickly??

Everyone here is so patient with me I want to make sure this is worth it for everyone. Thanks for sticking around <3

Missed this little Floof Ball while we were away & it seems Gingerbread has missed me too! She's all snuggled up on my lap

Experimental WIP

One day I'll try a fullbody painting, but it'll require knowledge I don't have yet. Being able to render portraits in itself is an achievement for me! I'm just pushing the boundary more with the colour choice and lighting.

Here's the Carpaccio Speedpaint as promised!

I'm excited to share this because it'll give you a peek at my new rendering process!

Creating something like this was not possible for me a few months ago. I want to keep getting better in the future!

Cats = Rally Cars


Domina Blowelive Speedpaint

If there's one thing I learned about rendering this time around, it's that I should REALLY find a way to be more efficient. People can finish this stuff in like 6 hours! How can I do that???