Lost girl
6 months ago

Hi everyone! Read the article, but the story short is I will take a break from making the game, or I will only do little stuff. Thanks for the support I ogt so far!

I feel tired and f-ed up from the medication I am getting, and I don't really have the motivation right now. Maybe it's also the fact that my laptop, cause I don't have a PC all times, is broken and I can hardly do stuff on it, its keyboard is broken and each day I am grateul that it does not break in half on accident.
During summer time it's questionable if I will be able to work, cause I might take a job abroad at a summer camp, and it won't work for me to make the game at the same time. Or if I won't take that job I will have more time, but still, I can't promise anything.

I love the game and I want to love making it, but current private life stuff won't allow that, I am sorry. Until then I will be active on GameJolt and I will post small things and art and maybe my writings, but I can't know the future.
I am tired. That's it.

Until I make something with the game again, check out my AO3, cause I litteraly have the story up there. But for now, I am sharing a little snippet of a side story: "I only loved once" - EllieTheTraveller - The lost- found- and far ones [Archive of Our Own]

... It was a nice day, as usual. I was tending our garden and listening to all the birds sing. I have always loved those little fellas. I had my trustworthy watering can in my left hand and was pouring sweet water on a tulip... a bunch of tulips, but that one was my personaly favourite. It was red, the other ones were yellow. Now, it is not like that I have ever had a problem with the colour yellow, I just simply prefer, without any further reason, the red one. It is almost like a rose, but roses have spikes and they are hard, tough. Tulips are gentle, so you also have to be gentle with them.

Then was when I heard my wife yelling again. Do not get me wrong - my wife, my life, but she could be such a rude one, especially towards smaller ones, beings of the Creator. She still despises them 'till this day. That time she was unhappy with one of our servants. I still do not know what that poor sould did to make my wife, my Trandafir so mad, but on that day I decided. It's not like that I have never thought about it before, oh, I did, many-many times, but something on that day told me to do it. So I put down my watering can and without saying a word to my family, I ran away. I mean, I was - and still - a grown man, I do not need to explain myself, but when remembering back, maybe, just maybe, if I would say goodbies to my son, maybe life would have treaded him better. But I was a fool, and I let my son believe that his father never loved him. It was never true.



Next up

Again, while I am writing the next chapter of my #maxley #fanfiction (link below) I am uploading a speedart video.

#puppylove #disney #dontsueme #iamnothinglike #judyhopslover #art #fanart #speedpaint #digital

These are my newest followers! Check them out if you have the time. I also checked some of them and will continue doing that!!!

This is what I have to do for now to make the game actually nice and not playable, cause it is, but pretty.

Catalyst is a techno witch and the first trans woman added to Apex! Respawn worked with voice actor Meli Grant (who is trans herself) as well as GLAAD to create the character. Catalyst is out, proud, and, as Grant told GamesRadar, "inescapably trans."

When bragging actually makes you think. I still need to polish things and stuff, but it's all coming together slowly.

Isobel is a cleric & the protector of the Last Light Inn! Openly queer, she's part of why GLAAD said Baldur's Gate 3 "does more than just welcome queer people. It embraces us and weaves our stories throughout the vibrant and dynamic world it crafts."

My game has a new demo!!! It's not perfect and it'll be polished (pun intended) in the future. Check it out and follow it!!!

Also, silly pictures 😜😜

#pride #pridemonth #transfem #game

I did it. I feel a bit better that I gave those stickers to people. Maybe it made them smile.

Love yourself even if pride month is now over, stay strong someone does/will love you for you. #PrideJolt #Trans

As said way earlier, I am uploading the #speedpaint. It was actually pretty fun to #draw these sillies. My #wlwmlmsolidarity duo.

Also, if you haven't, pls check the update of the game, I bet on my lungs it worth it.