It would be similar to the 5 Nights at Sonic's collection project, it's one game that can load the other games as well, it will contain lots of info on each game like what it was meant to be, why it was canceled, and my own reviews on them on what I think about them and if they ever had potential. I have gone over some canceled games of mine before but some I have literally never spoken about.
One main reason I got this idea was because I still have all the old game files for every game of mine (Except one of them which is completely gone and lost) having them just sit around and go to waste really doesn't feel right, plus it shows I wasn't just sitting around for 2 years making nothing.
I feel this would also be a good break from my main project I'm working on that I've posted LOTS of teasers for, so I wanna know what you think about this and if it's worth doing!