The Ink Remains
1 year ago

I have made two new rooms and I must say it's my best environment design work yet, much more detailed than previous ones. I do have a clearer idea of how I want the game's chapter to be in its finished state, now it's about getting there.



Next up

Ah yes, perpetual motion... Well done random rigidbody 😂

See this screenshot? It took a couple of attempts before getting a result that was worth talking about. Now it's been two years since my first attempt and my procedural generation system is at its 5th remaster. This time it's game worthy...

Damn, another #spawnday already! Time flies, it really does...

Gotta love when this happens

I played through all chapters of Bendy and the Dark Revival, it's a very good game, I love it! Definitely an improvement. #BATDR #Bendy

I finally made a highlight system for the items of my game. Now when you put the crosshair on an important object it gets highlighted! #devlog #fangame #batim

New thumbnail! This one is more detailed than the previous :)


Unity's next Long Term Support version introduces a lot of tools that makes a game developer's life less hard. I've experimented with it for a day and managed to do a damn good screen-space outline shader! #Unity #Shader #Outline #GameDev

I dual wielded sandwiches for the first time! I even got a visitor :)