3 years ago

i have turned 17 today :)

i know its my b'day, but i hope ur day is amazoing today as well!

thank you all for being there and supporting me, ily all!

People I wanna thank:

@bunnybloodz , thank you for being in my life, ill never be able to express how much you mean to me, ily so so much! ❤️❤️❤️

@TeraLyte , one of my best friends, wouldn't have started animating without you dude.

@BlueBurstOfficial music man

@KRONOS_527 kronose, the fnaf guy

@mazou , u still havent told me how to speak canadian

@chloe__ . meme

@ObscureEasterEgg . Egg

@Molty_Toasty69 , toast is cool

@KoolCirby , funny grape man

@ChristoffOfficial , talented mf

@_the_strix , honored you show me all ur WIPS, thank you dude :)

@BrainsZ_YT, only met you kinda recently, but ur such a chill guy, glad i get the chance to know u dude!

@Scarfer, godly madness combat art, teach me

@TheHyperSloth , this man is a legend, love u dude!

@ElPichon , godda love ken :))

@KniteBlargh , basically the second jesus of gamejolt (CROS being first cause he actually created gamejolt) , love you dude!!

@CROS , @thoro , @nilllzz , @YLivay , @lorac , and everyone else working at gamejolt headquarters (sorry if i forgot ur name its late and im tired-)

@YoungFuddyDuddy, anatomy on point my guy

@MorgVA, ur a great guy dude, dont bring urself down! Ur a great friend and an amazing VA!

@GWebDev , holy crap is that the guy who worked on tabi??? (ur a cool guy man, thanks for dealing with my shit and helping me in situations involving fnf lol)

@ddemkoo , pyro illusion when? (ur an inspiration to so many dude, including me, love ur work and i wish you he best!)

@JayferGames, another big insperation, love ur style, and love u as a person too! Thanks for sticking by me all these years and not getting sick of me haha

@No_Desi1 , dude, ur art is on another level, massive insperation! Keep up up the amazing work!

@KrisMakingUT, Only met u recently too, but ur a chill guy, hope we can talk more in the future!

and everyone else who has been with me this entire journey!! (Im really sorry if i didn't mention you, im kinda tired as of writing this, but I am thinking of you!! Thank you for thinking im cool enough to be your friend, or know you!!)



Next up


made a mod about Aqua team hunger force in 2 days with people

go play if u want: https://gamebanana.com/mods/402148

Sonic parodies universe sneek peak

Nerd tails is real

Update 25/05/23. "How am I doing? What am I working on?"

Well well well

It's my #spawnday today

Right before Christmas too

I couldnt have asked for a better gift than all of you who have followed me throughout these 3 years. Thanks for putting up with my bullshit lol

Merry Christmas all you bloody legends 🎄🎄

an unforseen threat

Progress Update

Everything is going smoothly, here's a small preview of some of stuff that I've done atm

For those who don't know, I made my own EXE, his name's B1nArY.RsPK, or B1nAry for short, lore will be revealed soon.

He is best friends with a mate of mine, FenixTheCat's, exe, who goes by the name INVERTED.

But yea here he is, in both of his forms

Important DEERWOOD Update! https://youtu.be/hgfhRYR4NBo

sanic idk this is an old sprite