2 months ago

I just want to do it



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I once helped to make a map similar to Cs2 (at that time in Cs:Go), i made a test model for a bomb, it's a pity that the files were lost(

#MinecraftModding #MinecraftModeling #ModTestModel #MinecraftCreation #ModdingCommunity #MinecraftModeller #LostFiles

Happy 12th Anniversary, Minecraft!

The game's first full release was Nov. 18, 2011.

We're celebrating this landmark anniversary by giving out copies of Minecraft: The Official Pop-Up from our friends at @InsightEditions !

Read the article for more info!

Did you know cupcakes can be square? I made lots of minecraft toppers that, while simple, I think came out good!

Modern Overlook

Built with @paintergigi