20 days ago

I said I was terminating work on game development projects. I never said I'd stop being a gamer per se, nor did I make any bones about stopping being a member of this online community.

Rest assured, unless the mods have other plans, I ain't going nowhere.



Next up

The original "feet first into hell" divers / jumpers. #fanartfriday πŸͺ–

Don't fight a cat. You will lose.

"Martial Arts Panda"

(εŠŸε€«η†ŠηŒ«) πŸ‰πŸΌπŸ€Ό

don't make my mistake when you look at an eclipse

#FanArtFriday πŸ’© #knuckles

(No offense intended.)

Our Intergalactic Party was out of this world!

This video is the next best thing to having been there.

Why would some sick socialist noob-mind create a video game about crafting mines huh? What do you want to do, blow some kids to kingdom come?!

#FanArtFriday /sarc /jk ;-)

Robot #fanartfriday

Oh wait...

"Roblox". Not robot. Shit, my bad. πŸ˜…

Our team and Townseek appeared on the big screen at the Game Jolt Intergalactic Party here at GDC! They are featuring a bunch of Game Jolt Creators and games on a sizzle reel and we were on it! 🀯

(We didn't get to be at the VIP section upstairs though. πŸ₯Ή)

not mine but I like it #StarWarsArt