Granny 4: The Lost Update
5 months ago

Important News!!!

- The Mobile Port for V0.9's Development is nearing it's conclusion as i am working on final puzzles and gamemode scenes.

- This mobile port contains features in V1.0

- Previous Versions of V1.0 are betas and Vers before V0.4 were alphas



Next up

Welp, We had a good run. But i think it's time to let go of 2.0 and move on to better things in life.

"It's just a few tripmines! How bad could this be?"

i have been stuck on this script for every hour i spent this week... please help

This is the tutorial i am using:…

A Lovely Night At Sea

!!! This is Early Alpha V0.6, I already made a V0.5 that beta testers are testing as we speak !!!

In this alpha there is an Outside Area, Interactable Doors and more like that, And Even a Working Main Menu!

To record my progress:

- I have a vast majority of the game done + all puzzles completed

- I have all soundtrack and material required

- I am planning on achievements

- I am fixing a lot of bugs in a climax point of the game

- I am yet to make ai enemies.

I still need to finish the puzzle events, Then make Gamemode Scenes, Then Export an APK and show some sort of Release Video or Trailer on my Channel of the Final Beta of TLU Before i begin my development of the main course.

The Betas were just appetizers

From Now on, A Majority of my posts are Friends-Only comments. Sorry but there's some people out there that cannot understand basic rules of not to beg or disrespect me at times.

I'm starting on scratch again for V1.0 But it's great this time, I Promise.

Enemies can't see you from behind anymore.

Now we can sneak around!

And wish me luck for Granny and Grandpa's AI, i am trying to add the 5 days script to them.

I'm delaying the fangame release to August. This is why:

- Fixing bugs and adding gameplay improvements that many have begged for

- Attempting to add practice mode, if not then ghost mode

- New part of the game has to be made

Be patient. will be worth it

New progress with the game development:

- UI Transparency is now possible

- "Notes" can be found throughout the game

- Some new events made

- and some other fixes such as event triggers, explosions, and other weird issues.

This doesn't mean i am finished.