Eternal Enigma

4 months ago

In the quietude, a structure stands, Small and forlorn, in forgotten lands. Above, a facade of neglect is shown, Yet below, in the depths, secrets are sown.

Teaser 2



Next up

Spiffy model updates!!

In Shadows deep, a tale concealed, A mansion of echoes, secrets unrevealed. Puzzles eternal, within the voids embrace, whispers persist, an everlasting chase.

Beginning development on a new game!

Announcing the Lost In Isolation FNaF Game Jam

The GameJam Starts Friday (submit games below)

Join The Discord For Updates

Hosted by @PlentyXD

Help from @hunterallen_ and me

Art by @Funkilicous and Yellw.00f

Spiffy hat. I'm calling it a Spat.


This video is old but if y'all didn't know, now ya know! Genre: action platformer PVP battleground #Spiffy #Silly

Shading lookin' better!

Idk I just really like this guy

Some Kirby doodles made with markers!

"Got games on yo' phone?"