5 hours ago

#IslamFact #1

When people think halal meat, they usually just think, "Pork is not halal" and that's it.

However, there's actually a very detailed methodology on how any meat can be either halal or haram to eat:

Key Criteria for Halal Meat:

  1. Species of Animal : Only certain animals are considered Halal. These include cattle, sheep, goats, chickens, seafood and some other animals. Carnivorous animals, birds of prey, and pork are strictly forbidden.

  2. Proper Slaughter (Zabiha) : The animal must be slaughtered in a specific manner, with a swift and deep cut to the throat with a sharpened knife, severing the jugular veins, carotid arteries, and windpipe, allowing the blood to drain out completely. This is done as blood is classed as a dirty substance in Islam due to the potential toxins and bacteria like Salmonella and E. Coli, and so is forbidden from drinking. This method of slaughter is very humane, as it is quick and painless.

  3. Invocation of Allah's Name : The name of Allah must be invoked at the time of slaughter. The person performing the slaughter must say, "Bismillah, Allahu Akbar" ("In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest").

  4. Humane Treatment : The animal must be treated with kindness and respect throughout its life and during the slaughtering process. It should be well-fed, well-rested, and not slaughtered in the presence of other animals, as to not scare them.

Even if you are not Muslim, there are quite a few benefits to eating halal meat:

  1. Ethical Treatment of Animals: Halal practices emphasize humane and respectful treatment throughout the animal's life, aligning with ethical consumption values.

  2. Higher Meat Quality: The stress-free environment and specific slaughtering methods can lead to meat that is more tender and flavorful.

  3. Healthier Meat: Halal meat is free from harmful additives, preservatives, and chemicals, potentially reducing exposure to foodborne illnesses.

  4. Blood Drainage: The halal slaughtering process ensures thorough blood drainage, minimizing potential bacterial growth and improving meat cleanliness.

  5. Taste and Texture: Some consumers report that halal meat has a superior taste and texture, attributing this to the ethical treatment of animals and the slaughtering process.








Next up

The next thing I'm doing is making a vanilla version of the Palace Of Order, which is not going to take long as you can use commands to replace modded blocks with normal ones

That being said it already looks hideous, unconnected textures are eyesores

It's my favourite month

Not March

Ramadan 🌜 ⭐

So every day this month I'll be posting an interesting Islam fact to spread some knowledge :)

Also I'll be taking a break from gaming to focus on studies and faith, so don't expect any CTB devlogs or anything

Average Survival Mode Base vs Average Creative Mode Base be like:

I'm sharing an oldie but a goodie :)


I was at a WHSmith when I saw this

I didn't know Skibidi toilet toys were available in the UK so that genuinely got a laugh out of me

I'm not buying them though, A: they're expensive and B: I don't feel like explaining to my parents why I'd have these XD

This really is cute. Not at all like the last cake I made for the halloween fireside.

The grind was successful

Got the full gear of enchanted netherite armour and tools, trims and all

And while barely mining at all, simply using Create Mod farms to get it all :)

Took a picture to celebrate (Nothing weird in the background trust me bro)

Nevermind, he's done some Dragon Ball bs and resurrected himself

Guess there's nothing that awakens Duo's final form than theatening to end your streak ;)

Anyways, I'll go do my lesson real quick... Before he comes for me.

My son got a 3d printer for Christmas and made me a planter :)

#DailyFact #22

One of the most realistic things about Portal 2 is that Lunar dust is indeed extremely toxic to breathe in.

Since there's no atmosphere to erode the dust, it is very abrasive and damages your lungs like asbestos.
