2 days ago

#IslamFact #13

If you are in a Life-or-Death scenario, certain acts such as eating haram food, like pork, blood, or carrion, or other sinful acts can be done to survive, but only if there are no halal alternatives:

“He has only forbidden you to eat carrion, blood, swine, and what is slaughtered in the name of any other than Allah. But if someone is compelled by necessity—neither driven by desire nor exceeding immediate need—they will not be sinful. Surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”

Source: [Quran, 2:173]

So say you are on a deserted island, and the only food source you can find are wild pigs, it would be permissable to eat them to not starve, even if pork is haram

Which also means Jack Sparrow technically never sinned when he drank the rum on that island, as it was his only source of water, and he'd otherwise die of thirst

This could also work with sins not food-related, like say you are forced at gunpoint to commit a crime, it wouldn't be a sin as you are forced to do so



Next up

#IslamFact #14

Everyone knows that Muslims pray 5 times a day, right?

WRONG! There are actually 4 seperate types of prayer:

-Fard (Obligatory prayer)

-Wajib (Required prayer)

-Sunnah (Recommended prayer)

-Nafl (Voluntary prayer)

Almost at 200 followers


#IslamFact #11

Similar to how Christianity has multiple branches like Catholics and Protestants, Islam also has multiple branches

By far the 2 largest are Sunni and Shi'as, with Sunni's being about 85% of all Muslims, and Shi'as 15%

I'm sharing an oldie but a goodie :)


#IslamFact #10

The story of Prophet Yusuf (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ) holds a unique place in the Qur'an. He is the only Prophet to have his story told chronologically within a single surah, titled "Surah Yusuf."

It's also my favourite story :)

This really is cute. Not at all like the last cake I made for the halloween fireside.

#IslamFact #6

As we all know, Islam has many, many guidelines on what to do and not to do

So here's a large list of EVERY MAJOR SIN in Islam

(There's a lot of them)

If there's any you don't understand, I'll be glad to expound

#IslamFact #9

Always respect your parents*.

You see, in Islam the 2nd most important deed in Islam (after Praying on time and before Jihad) is to obey and love your parents, making it one of the most beloved deeds to Allah

My son got a 3d printer for Christmas and made me a planter :)

#IslamicFact #8

The Holy Qur'an in Surah Al-Mu’minun and Surah Al-Alaq describe the stages of human embryonic development, from a "clot" to a lump, then to bones and flesh, in surprising detail for a book revealed over 1400 years ago