Legends Of The Abyss

8 years ago

It has arisen!

From the murky depths below rises this lightweight rogue-like dungeon crawler!


A little fun project, built in Twine within a couple days, complete with combat, puzzles and even a boss fight. Playtime only amounts to about 10 minutes, but at least has some replay value, being entirely generative (not to abuse the buzzword ‘procedural’).
Thinking about additional content and perhaps some more new systems now. Let me know if you have any suggestions!



Next up

Alternate Realities - The Mutator System

When reality breaks down the Mutator System changes game rules unpredictably. Weird things can happen! Starting a little Mutator showcase - today: "Dark Shroud".

Enemies are wrapped in an armor of darkness!

Improved 'splosions!

Also reworked hit feedback for Explosive Barrels and other destructible objects!

Mutator of the day - "Vampirism" Sunlight slowly drains your health, so when outdoors best keep to your Mech. Or use the vampirism-enhanced melee strike to leech health from your foes!

While I'm preparing a larger showcase for the game, here's a quick teaser for some of the environments. #indiedev #roguelite #solodev

New menu background for my roguelite twinstick shooter, complete with a brooding and glitching ambience. I'm wondering if it's sufficient for getting that reality-tearing, multiverse concept across, that explains the everchanging levels?

Mutator of the day - "Spontaneous Self-Combustion": Enemies blow up when killed, setting the stage on fire and causing all sorts of collateral damage!

Grenades & Status Effects

# Incendiary - Sets enemies on fire and causes panic

# Acid - Slows enemies down and applies poison

# Shock - Stuns enemies in place

This and more available in game, play in browser here on GJ

Part of a promotional piece I'm working on, taking some liberties with details. Based on the game's starting mech, which isn't even the most extravagant in the entire lineup.

Hm, what's that mysterious hatch?

And why was it hidden under a crate?

Could it be ... a secret?


Yes, yes it's a secret. Good job, Sherlock! #proceduralgeneration #roguelike #twinstick #shooter #mechs

Quite happy how the whole onboarding sequence now feels. Here's a quick teaser of how it plays!