Basic Pascal

25 days ago

Koloratura – game about colored little squares

Koloratura – new game, which will be in update for Basic Pascal Pack. It is about different colors. You are playing as a small square, which has its own color.


And you are making a moves along the game field. And after you make a move, you fill a cell into your color. And you need to paint all the screen with your color. There is computer opponent, which according to his logic, from time to time, repainting field in his colors. And this way game goes. There are three levels in game. And three game modes. And game use 16 colors. Game is written with QB64. It is modern version of Qbasic.


You are – you are a little square. And you need to move on a game field and paint everything into your color. You can select your color. 14 colors at your choice. Except black and white. In Basic it is Screen mode number 7. 16 colors. Resolution at 320 x 200.

To walk as a little square - it is fun. And computer sets his color. And you need to go back and again repaint.


Game has three game modes. This means how often computer will make his steps. Every turn. Or, for example, every 4th turn for player, and computer will repaint one cell. By the way, computer, always has a limits of his steps. For example, 10 times he can make a steps for a level. And that’s all! So, player, anyway, repaint all the game field, in result. But computer will make it more fun.


So, that’s why, it has such a name. Lots of colors at the screen. Little squares. So, it is a simple game about to paint with colors a game field. So, I make this idea by myself. But, as a first step, I was interested in some game idea. Where line cut off part of the screen. And part of the screen goes with some color. And computer some little balls to throw and interrupts you, it make not possible to you to put all screen into the color at once. You cannot run at computer. But I do not know, for sure, name of the game, or this game type. And in result, I do not find example. And I make this ideas, my theme. This idea can be develop in future. I think, already, about different variations for this game.


Koloratura – it is a new game in Basic Pascal Pack. Which will be included in Basic Pascal pack next version. So, right now, I do not publish this game. I need to make a game page at website. And publish.


This game and several more games will be included in new release of pack Basic Pascal games. At once, several games. New version of the pack. More games! And it will happen, when it will be some amount of games to release. Right now, this game is not published. But, it is already a finished game.


Basic Pascal pack - whole pack of games and programes, written with basic and pascal. It is retro.

With each game and program there is a page at author`s website. There are aditional information, descriptions, pictures, arts.

Basic Pascal:






Next up

Uzhik – little snake is in development and 256 colors! Wow!

Uzhik – new game, which will appear in next update of pack Basic Pascal games. It is a game about a little grass snake. Game is still in development.

Uzhik is already crawling and eating strawberry!

Uzhik – it is a small game about, a garden, and it is a small little grass snake is crawling there.

Uzhik – picture of level! In a bright garden!

Uzhik – it is continue to be in development. Now I am doing for Uzhik a decoration visual. I draw a levels. So, now it is, already, there is understanding - how it will look.

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It is in development now a game about a penguin. Penguin and a village of smiles. Or those, who makes  smiles. Smile little humans. So, they are so round circle little humans, which are smiling. Game is written with QB64.

Boss battle on mobile device (prototype)

So far this is only a test, in the future it will be finalized.

Mole at the country house

Three dimensional scene for today. Mole at the country house. Mole at the country house, and he is working with his shovel. And he is growing up plants. So, he has, already, all the ground done with seedbeds.

Little mouse is doing country house things

Little mouse goes to check his grass. Salad leaves. Cabbage. And little mouse is very busy. He is collecting left from winter – leaves. And he will drink a tea with them.

Time for a little something different!

Here's an earlier boss that I've never shown off here before. In case you can't tell, she's VERY hard and I've died to her many times.

I've done some re-balancing work lately, but it's still not going to be easy.

Crossfire at the bridge

It is small videogame. You have several soldiers. And your aim – is to cross a bridge. At the opposite side of the bridge – it is enemy. And you need to take a part in a crossfire, use a cover places.