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"Loka's Shitposts" Channel on the Loka and the San Marino Art League Community, simply for posting your shitposts.…
Comment: What is your opinion about Pom Poko?
Happy #WIPWednesday!
Are you working on a game?
Making some art?
Practicing a song?
Something else?
Tell us in the comments!
I also made a Sprite for a Female Dango.
Happy #WIPWednesday!
Are you working on a game?
Making some art?
Practicing a song?
Something else?
Tell us in the comments!
1 am, getting a Konpeito at Ebāgurīntsurīfakutorī, i meant, Evergreen Tree Factory.
The Loka and the San Marino Art League Community is here. Maybe you could join, in order to help the game.
The Community:
Happy #WIPWednesday! Are you working on a game? Making some art? Practicing a song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!
Do you know a game called "Ketsuland"? It would be a very hilarious game.