13 days ago


Hello everyone @Morilix07 here to give you guys an update about myself. Right now currently I'm not doing so well academically and not doing so well on a bunch of this about myself irl. I'm sort of depressed state right now due many factors of my life and I need to get many things back together again. Game developing is fun but I need to focus on irl too. So just to give you guys a heads up I'm not going to be programming nor on discord or GJ for a good while. The only thing I could really do is either write creepypastas or direct games. Sorry about that. Responsibility in my life is increasing and with that I need to increase my focus to irl things. I've been fearing about what's happening to me right now for a while and that day has finally arrived. I need to face it head on to get back to doing what I love doing again. Goodbye everyone. I'll miss you while I'm gone.

Sincerely your best pal, @Morilix07

Have some funnies:


Art by @MrFredrick91

See ya later!

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Next up

Yoooo I think it's the mail man!


Waaay back in Kindergarten I remember getting one of these during a Halloween party. Used the shit out of it until it broke :(

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Written by Morilix07 9/17/2024

Now that the perspective object has released might as well give some footage of me testing it out on the JR's office that I recorded a while ago.

I'm currently doing a poll on what to do next for the perspective object I'm working on. Help me determine the fate of the project.

It was a quiet, cold, windy night in the cornfield I was in with my dog. My father told me to search through the somewhat small yet vast cornfield. My father was always scared of people that weren't us in his field. (Read article)

In dishonor of the fucking Minecraft sheep I've decided to change my pfp to it. I hope others join too lol.


HELP WANTED! We need team members for two FNaTI fangames (More info in article)