After I'm astonished by a user's comment on the memory leak flaw of the plugin when they attempted to overuse it, and their game crashed whenever they use the plugin for long battles. This is a pain to me, who want to actually make something PLAYABLE from start to end of game (the full game is expected to be pretty long, so if the game crashed midways due to memory leak, then my reputation as a game dev could be seriously negatively affected due to a review bomb by users who are annoyed by the mid-game crashing).
When I looked out a video on YouTube for the best RPG Maker games, then I noticed that Ask Gamedev mentioned the game Portal Hunters at about 7:30 mins to the video. It combines elements of RPGs, action games and top-down shooters reminiscent of Touhou, but minus the Spell Card "bomb" system. (maybe?). I'm planning to replicate the Touhou attack system using the Galv's Map Projectiles plugin, a plugin that allows us to resize events' hitboxes (in order to make things like player Spell Cards (like Cirno's one in HSiFS that generates a flower shape at the player's position, or that of Sakuya that nukes a lot of knives in PCB (as seen in this MEGALOVANIA Touhou remix video, as seen in 4:38 mins onward), albeit the latter need some more advanced knowledge of the Projectiles plugin, or if possible (and with even more advanced knowledge), replicating a Fantasy Seal-like attack pattern for a player Spell Card)). Deciding Spell Card patterns for Mari and Aya is currently the hardest thing to make in an RPG Maker game, since the engine does not offer choices to make such things easily by editing Events and / or using plug-and-play plugins, must require moderate to advanced scripting knowledge to recreate such things in the engine (due to the engine itself being tile-based, rather than XY positioning-based), as well as it's hard to decide Mari and Aya's Spell Card attack patterns, due to both uses throwing weapons, and while Aya's ability is known explicitly, Mari's ability is hard to define due to she possesses several abilities at once (due to being an avatar of Christ in the series' universe; and like Aang in Avatar: The Last Airbender), as well as I'm wondering that since both uses weapons in battle (like Marisa (and Reimu (Reimu is only seen explicitly using her Purification Rod as a weapon in DDC)), then could one of them (or both of them) uses their weapons in their Spell Card (like Marisa's Master Spark or Sakuya's Killing Doll (in PCB; also in the MEGALOVANIA remix video above, or Youmu's Void Slash), or just use their supernatural-based powers (like Sanae's Spell Cards, or Reimu's Spell Cards). Also, since Aya's ability deals with topics related to the spiritual, then is it necessary to make Aya's Spell Card do nothing (like SakuyaA's Spell Card in DDC), but just grant a short amount of invincibility time and make her semi-transparent as if she is a ghost (?)?
Also, with my action-heavy gameplay mechanics, then it could be another pain if I make the game in any of the engines in the RPG Maker series. I found out that Pixel Game Maker MV is currently the only viable option to create such games easily, but the only thing that hinders my attempts to customize the game is the lack of a built-in option to change the game's icon, as well as currently hasn't accept the changing of the "game.exe"'s icon using softwares such as Resource Hacker (despite Resource Hacker is entirely legal to use). But if possible, I could contact whoever who made the engine and ask them for the support for changing game icons using Resource Hacker (and clarify that is not completely the modification of their software's contents), but the downside that I'm sucks in Japanese (requires a translator to translate my English text to Japanese), and there's no way to know when they will reply to me. But not changing the game executable's icon is fine, as Yume Nikki, a very popular game made with RPG Maker 2003, which at the time of its initial release did not allow users to modify the game executable's icon yet, even still keep its original default RM2k3 executable icon in its official debut in the West on Steam. Also many games made with Pixel Game Maker, despite none of them has reached widespread success (they are just demos of showing what the engine can do) still keep the original default executable icon of PGMMV, while that some games' Steam version has a different desktop shortcut icon, but does not alter the original executable's icon.
I have mailed them already, but like I said above, there is no way to know when they will reply.
Should I make the game with Pixel Game Maker, even though I (currently) cannot change the exported game executable's icon?
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