Freddy F***boy's Paradise of Debauchery

1 year ago

Paradise of Debauchery - Weekly Progress - March 13th to 19th

What is the ups! My friend @OddPuppet9 and me have playtested the game almost all week! We found many bugs I could fix to furthermore complete features. For example the boss rush! I need you to tell about that.

The boss rush comes right after the finale. It is now interactive and set on the good ol' show stage. You can go shopping and afterwards start a roulette of all 17 bosses in the game.


Press Enter / Space to stop the roulette, go f*** 'em up, then roll for the next boss. Until either you or all bosses have perished. Maybe you get something special after victory...

I absolutely LOVE how well this turned out. The roulette makes it very fun, and I just gotta love to rehear all the music.

Of course, we need to talk about... him. Buff Helpy was fully revamped with his own skills and two phases. Also I've drawn his buff af body... and smashed the meme head on.


Better start leveling to just have the slightest change of winning. That is now also different in the Q and W scenarios, your members start on Level 1 and you have to fight bosses in the new dungeons! I'm still on that...

Let's get to the visual stuff. I edited the encyclopady script for the texts to look right. By default it went all over the place, and there was much info I didn't need for my game.


While Oddy played to find bugs, I had a rush to finish graphics on my list. That's what I did mostly this week, since otherwise I tried to cool down.

Boss Sprite Effects


Boss Intro Images


Finalized Battle HUD


And finally... I was able to think of skills for NeddBear and Mr. Hugs (that haven't been in other fangames yet). Now all my eyesore characters have been improved!


Thanks for reading and now check out my nonsensical list of total progress, there is not much left!


Total Progress

  1. 4 New and Improved Dungeons: 3/4 done

    Baby 100%, Scraptrap 100%, Molten Freddy 100%, Lefty 0%

  2. New enemies for each dungeon: 13/16 done

    Baby 4/4, Scraptrap 4/4, Molten Freddy 4/4, Lefty 1/4

  3. New bosses: 3/4 done

  4. 1 new character: 75% done

    (unique skill set done, animations are left)

  5. Improve W and Q scenarios: 1/2 done

  6. Improve Trash and The Gang: 5/5 done

  7. Improve my eyesore characters: 9/9 done
    Rockstar Freddy 100%, Rockstar Chica 100%, Rockstar Foxy 100%, Happy Frog 100%, Pigpatch 100%, Neddbear 100%, Mr Hippo 100%, Orville 100%, Music Man 100%

  8. New Catalog Items: 3/3 done

  9. New Art: 75% done

    Title 90% done, icons 95%, battle animations 80%, battle layout 100%, background graphics 90%, overworld graphics 80%

  10. Improve dialog: 100% done

  11. Fix remaining bugs from before: 2 found and fixed



Next up

New emote.

Model by Tim-Leonard Ullrich

If I find time between games academy, I will finally release the game in the upcoming weeks.

Not all planned features will make it in, but it will be big. Full update notes r coming with the release.

My UI design for Phantom Focus

long night

Look at our ghosts for Phantom Focus! We've got the Hauntling, the Slurper, and the Duster.

Creators are Emma, Tim and Csilla, our 3D character artists.

BLOOD & GEARS: FNAF 1 Trailer Recreation

DISCLAIMER: This is not our official trailer! This is simply a recreation of the first FNAF trailer with our assets for fun. Enjoy! :)

First presentation is over, and just LOOK at our progress!

Edited Foxy's eyes! He's the last member of the Freddy crew

Inspired a bit by The Silver Eyes

It might finally be time to give you a purpose, Chum Charlie...

Finished the special thing for Baby's dungeon: A SHOOTING MINIGAME!

I didn't use any script for this! All with event commands!