Paradox Vector
5 years ago

Paradox Vector has been updated to version 7.0, read more about it in the attached article!

Version 7.0
Lots’ of new changes have been made.

Video Options
I changed the way in which I made the game over animation, allowing the game to have access to more screen sizes as well as full-screen mode again.


New Enemies
Fighting against robot drones is mild when compared to confrontations with their inter-dimensional masters. These creatures will stop at nothing to destroy the human race!

Improved Jumping
Modifying the player’s hit box has improved the jumping mechanic, making it more intuitive.

Sounds and More
Ambient sounds, footsteps, waterfalls and more have been added to increase the game’s level of immersion.



Next up

#gamejoltart This is not game dev related, but rather hand painted fine art that I also work on ... here we see just part of a painting.

Here you see two new features. At the beginning you see the red damage circle when the player gets hit. Then, watch the behavior of the guard as it peeks out and takes a shot at our protagonist before retreating behind the wall...

I've been working on updating more levels recently. Progress is slow, but should be more steady from now on ... here is the current one I am working on. You can see that I took the old, tile based level, and I am just drawing over it.

#screenshotsaturday I bring some images of the alien city in #StarExplorers. The testing branch has a big update, and the game is currently on sale too!

#gamedev #boomershooter #RD2020 #procjam…

#ScreenshotSaturday I am adding plants and other background objects to my game. I'm excited to see what can be accomplished in this style....

New guns... I have updated the models for both the hand gun and the machine gun. They have a more complex, organic look to them now. Here you can see the machine gun in the distance, while the player is holding the hand gun.

Islands of the Caliph is my new retro RPG in active development. I plan to release it this summer (2023). I have just been working on adding a scrolling quest journal #screenshotsaturday