7 years ago

Progressing into Dialogue Overhaul // Answering Questions



We’ve gotten lots of new followers lately, and to you we say hello. Thanks for joining us on our long passion project. If you’ve just arrived, we recently finished basic implementation of a feature called the “Journal” and you can check our devlog to see details on it!

We’re now proceeding into Dialogue Overhaul on our list of goals toward completing the Aftertale demo. We’re going to be rearranging portraits, playing with the composition of the text box and screen, and generally making our lives a living hell.
You can see the old model in the screenshot below. Depending on how things go, this may yet be the final arrangement, but we need to take a pass as it regardless.


This concludes our status update regarding what we’re working on presently.

Now for a different thing!
If you’re new to following our game and don’t necessarily want to check our devlog or videos, and want a quick answer to a quick question, why not leave us a comment?
We promise to get back to you shortly with a response!

Thanks for your time! See you soon with more updates.



Next up

Thank You For Believing In Us!

Hey, Thanks For 5k!

Interlude: Extra Credits Gamejam

Aftertale Community Update // Moving Forward

Regarding Updates During Scenario Overhaul // AMA?

Semi Annual "Where Is Aftertale" Update

April Update

March "What Is UpDog?" Update

T-thank You For Another 500 Followers.

New Year New Update