1 year ago

Reach the base

So, you have here a transport vehicle and a tank. For some imaginary strategy game. It is 3d scene without animation. In blender. 3d scene for training.

So here is the story. Tank and transport vehicle are moving through the forest. It is 2 units. They are moving through the forest. Base is waiting for them. They are sent to go all the forest. They are carefully exploring landscape and need to reach base point. So, enemies can be around. Very different. And while you have a tank, it is not ultimate force. There are engineers and builders inside the transport. They are required to build a base. Base you are moving to, it is a few buildings not developed base. And you need to reach it. And start full scale build process.


So, if it will be a strategy game. It is a mission to explore and carefully to move. To avoid enemies. But you will have a fight. And you need a tank for this purpose. So, you need a find a way through a forest.

So, I all the time dream about a game like Total Annihilation or Red Alert. But my way, of course. And now it is most simple 3d scene in blender.




Next up


It is in development now a game about a penguin. Penguin and a village of smiles. Or those, who makes  smiles. Smile little humans. So, they are so round circle little humans, which are smiling. Game is written with QB64.

Little mouse traveler – around the lake – around the world

Pixel art for today based on videogame High Seas Havoc for game console Sega MegaDrive. 16 adventure game. Bright and interesting. I think, that it is some little animal.

Quake 2 – returning to a techno base

In the last day of April I for the first time go to a country house. It was excellent weather at the country house. And I ama again returning to retro gaming with computer Asus F3S.


May-Summer racing competitions MSRC

Pixel art for today based on videogame Network Q Rally for game console Super Nintendo. It is 16 bit Racing game. I played for myself this game at PC MS DOS. With my 486Dx2 computer, SVGA graphics.

Under the Desert Sky~

I wanted to remaster, an older piece of mine. How did I do? Tap/swipe to see the piece I created a whole year ago in January of 2023!

Duck checks swamp flowers

Drawing about theme duck. In colors of MS DOS. Duck in may checks her swamp. And watch the region of forest. So here a lot of little water.

Penguin has a little snow story

And game about a little penguin has a plot, storyline. Totally it has 8 levels and between them you will have a little story. And everything starts next way.

"I get it now."

(Swipe to the right to see the original pixel art!)

: Aseprite (Sequel to the last redraw at my profile/AnubiClub!)

Basic Pascal pack – version 1.4 – two new little games

Version 1.4 Basic Pascal pack suggests 2 new games. They are 1) Rifles and Trenches and 2) Crossfire at the Bridge. Two games are written with programming language QB64.