Fire Leaf Water

2 years ago

 Shot 1: 500 block (requires 500 score to break) and five tier 2 water blocks
 Shot 2: Mysterious Luna block with 0 score on it
 Shot 3: New unmovable block (require 60 score to break) and new look of unmovable and unbreakable block

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Next up

I'm back to updating this game and I've brought Jakk to join the raiders.

These shots show Jakk in action:

Post jam version is here

It features more stuffs and more fun

Get it while fresh!

Last week, ice blocks are for endless mode. Now, ice blocks could be found in regular levels also. They provide difference nuance and challenge to the game.

Rando Art Challenge! Transform this into a masterpiece of the Renaissance era. Use the tag #renaissance to show off your creation! (Tag an artist in the comments to let them know)

Apparently I'm not allowed to upload updated version of this game until voting period is over, which is 3 days from now.

So the upload will be delayed til Sunday. In the meantime, I'll resume my update to Raiders Rush.

heres a short tutorial that i made to help you guys animate rain! Its suuupper simple :D

I've made updates and fixes to this game and I've also brought Zano to join the raiders.

These shots show Zano in action:

I've made ice blocks which were inspired by ice crystals in Magical Drop 3. Just like the latter, ice blocks can't be broken with regular ways but it can be broken by breaking colored blocks next to them.

self indulgent portrait i made of michael sheen because reasons #pixelart 💕

I'm back to this game and made more levels featuring ice blocks.