
6 years ago

Silas First Drafts Finished. Gaster First Drafts 1/2 Finished. Regarding The Scenario Rewrite...

While we could probably show off each of the new portraits, we imagine that it probably gets a bit tedious to see them one by one as updates.

That said, we’re nearing the end of the portrait making and will soon be moving into the Scenario Rewrite.
So what is the Scenario Rewrite?

Basically, we’ve used a first draft for the story and development of the game since the start. It followed an extremely basic premise in order to serve the needs of the demo and get Pumpkin from point A to B.
The Scenario Rewrite focuses on suring up how compelling the plot and pacing of the game is.

This will likely take us a few weeks as we iron out every detail, and make permanent lore decisions regarding every element of the game.
What are soul colors?
How does monster magic work?
Can dogs really pet other dogs?

I’ll be on the look out for neat things to update you guys with as we progress.
As always, thanks for reading. See you again soon!



Next up

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T-thank You For Another 500 Followers.

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Hey, Thanks For 5k!

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