
6 years ago

Since We're Working On Boring Stuff, Here Is A New Mockup For Combat. I Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word In Titles.

Yo. We’re currently setting up the framework for the scenario overhaul and studying material from DeltaRune and UnderTale to determine the best course of action in order to present the best possible game.

DeltaRunes release might have considerably delayed us, but I think it will also considerably improve the quality of what we deliver.

For now, here is a super tiny mockup that was made while discussing battle transitions.

Oh right. I use the word mockup a lot, but I don’t know if everyone knows what it means when I use it. For Aftertale, a mockup is a visual approximation of how things will look or feel before they are implemented in our demo.
This lets us test, revise, and fix things before we go through the effort of coding them or creating assets for them.

Most of what we share here is mockup work. But a good chunk are finished assets as well. We hope you’ll enjoy the mockup teasers while we get everything ready.



Next up

Semi Annual "Where Is Aftertale" Update

Aftertale Community Update // Moving Forward

Thank You For Believing In Us!

March "What Is UpDog?" Update

T-thank You For Another 500 Followers.

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Regarding Updates During Scenario Overhaul // AMA?

April Update

Hey, Thanks For 5k!

Interlude: Extra Credits Gamejam