1 year ago

Story Time

So I was at a theme park with friends and family. And we were having fun and stuff we were all enjoying ourselves. So I decided to go on a roller coaster with one of the people with me. I always say I'm not going on one but I usually end up on one anyway so we go on. Now although God hates the homos he blessed my bisexual femboy ass with a very feminine body. I have thick thighs and that usually means a bigger ass. So when I pull over the thing that is supposed to keep me down and secure me it doesn't go all the way over. But the person I'm with it goes all the way down for her. So I'm expecting a member of the staff to either help me put it all the way down or tell me I can't ride. But when they get to me the staff member apparently sees no problem and gets ready to start the ride. Now I'm mentally freaking out because I don't think I'm safe. Now the person I'm with is laughing her ass off. And I am literally holding on to the cart itself because when it went down my body went up and that thing is not holding me down at all. My friend is going to die of laughter and I'm holding on for dear life. So me and her finally get of the ride and we are walking to join back with are group. And she says to me "I bet that's the best ride your ass has had not on some guys dick!" She dies laughing and I punched her in the arm. God I'll never forget great that day I was so glad the pandemic was over. Its one of my favourite memories and I would go through all that again just to spend some time with friends and family.



Next up

This is funny as fuck

I woke up in the wrong time period. Wait... how do I have recept-

Femboy Thighs at a showing of Captain America Brave New World


Just a drawing of converses with some kind of shooting star behind (Just drew that because A- Converses are cool and I wanted to learn to draw them and B- I wanted to do an illustration with very bright colors)

Yes I have every Dog Man book made gonna do a reread because I'm watching the movie this weekend

Staying at my mom's place for the weekend, along with objectively the best girl Penny!

Drew Klaus playing with her for the occasion :3

I put sooooo much work into my arg and my thighs get more likes

Femboy thighs back at the movies gonna watch the Dog Man movie!

Random sketch (I plan on finishing it one day… maybe… or maybe it will stay on the WIP pile for month…)

Working on shit just need some references