A Day In The Life
4 years ago

TestBuild 3 (What to expect)

We're currently hoping to push the next test build of the game in the next few days and have put together a list of new features that will be added or changed.


  • Demo Town (Will not be the final map)

  • Town store inside

  • Farm house (Updated)

  • Demo farm (updated, larger field, new house)


  • Dialogue window Skin has been edited

  • Camera has been zoomed away to look better in full screen.

  • Inventory menu redesigned


  • Money!

  • Crop box functionality (earn money)

  • Early finances menu

  • Sold item stats

  • Store interface (spend it!)

  • Tools will have their own dedicated slots in the inventory now and the debug selector disabled.

  • Basic Npc examples (can be talked to, move about the world, given gifts and befriended).



Next up

Character bits! We're currently throwing together the character animation pieces for the new customization system :P

Buttons jump scare test shot

Finally, you can sell the fruits/veg of your labour. :)

Opinions on a new graphics style?

Light menu is still undergoing it's refit, some behind the scenes code changes making it easier to edit multiple lights. A light will also toggle on/off depending on its intensity. So custom events don't need to be loaded with two different commands.

working on a new mechanic for the prototype. no need to wander over to those far away items when you can just send in your drone.

Buttons ver 2- jumpscare Test

Quick update on the project, Dialogue system has been rewritten from the old version of the game, functionally the same but a lot easier to use. The camera has been worked on and the inventory is being expanded with things like drag and drop.

I'm currently working on a new game with a team of people. Here's a mannequin being assaulted for test purposes. Gotta do what you gotta do for your damage systems.

(Mines and menus preview build)

Available for testing now