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Dabman character is now full 3D, I added water passages (I haven't done the level design and dabman water animations yet)
Lucario and Charizard, using my real time shader to convert 3D to 2D pixel art, made with Godot Engine.
World map in progress...
Charizard, flamethrower animation !
I'm working on the lights now, I prefer to use the 3D engine completely, it's better for the scenery
I totally replaced my 2D sprites with a 3D model directly in Godot Engine. This allows me to improve the transitions between animations and to be able to blend several animations. However, there are still some meshes to fix like glasses.
New visual for item summary with responsivity for mobile. (Just need to draw each icon now)
Hey, I updated the demo of Gamejolt API for Godot Engine (work with the last godot version). Go in description to get the source code (Demo + gj api addon)
3D to pixel art 2D with Godot Engine. What do you think about the result?
Include 3D model in your pixel art game with Godot Engine