One More Experiment

8 months ago

The resolution settings is something that we're gonna work and tweak more, since we didnt manage to integrate this with fullscreen mode correctly. Several smaller updates about this will come! We want to have both res and fullscreen working! :)



Next up

🎥 Experimenting with Post Process Effects

❄ Camera Freeze. Dynamic material instance, where frost is growing from the corners.

💥 Screen bleed / damage effect. When you walk into fire, the screen corners will flash red.…

The fire container switches has always been a challenge regarding how they should be represented visually, many aspects to consider: for example, they can be lit, but not absorbed from.

Right now were trying to have them be some kind of fire stakes!

Saving the Lost Ones, a cage at a time 👻

We're adding some new sections between puzzle rooms now, that will serve both as "breaks" in between puzzles, as well as some environmental storytelling.

DEMO 4 IN PROGRESS! Will come to Steam in a few months


Short video on the progress of our game♥

Some cool new VFX for my game: Magic Shimmer!

A fun experiment with Blender Curves & Unreal materials!



Sorry for the radio silence! We're working for different events, increasing our playtest effort as well as marketing strategies alot lately! Robin is also going to Nordic Game Jam 2024 to attend some talks, network and meet other cool game devs!

COMING UP: * Playtest Event 19 Jan * Demo 4 --------- Still havent found any solutions to the resolution settings cursor offset Im afraid. In the latest public demo release, theres no settings for fullscreen. Will be fixed in a new upcoming demo, later!