Five Nights at Spongebob’s
1 year ago

thinking about redoing this game

so i kinda wanna redo this entire game and make a 2.0 version of it (like what im doing with those nights at thomas's) and maybe even bring five nights at spongebob's 2 mainly because im not really a fan of how this game turned out (art wise at least) and the reason im also thinking about bringing five nights at spongebob's 2 back is because i had some ideas for redesigns for the withered clones in fnasb 2

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josh with luigi's hat on

(because i felt like doing this)

holy shit i'm working on fnasb again

uhm... clone sonic your in the wrong game...

The Fazbear Facility: Prologue Announcement Trailer + Anniversary Devlog

so i decided since i haven't work on any of my games in a little while since i've been kinda busy (and kinda lazy) i decided to get back to work and since i'm getting back to work here are some new sneak peak screenshot for five nights at spongebob's

Bonus + Thank you for +4k views on Showstar!

they do indeed have drip

i kinda hope one day someone makes a revival of fnas 1R here

These are my favorite models I've made this year!!! I know these are the recent ones but yeah I love them a lot

The Pain... Is Never Ending....

(oswald but emily version)