Undercover Break

2 years ago

Undercover Break – tuning the levels

Undercover Break – it is arcade racing videogame. Racing with shooting. Shooting – it is a valuable part of the game. You are riding in your car, and chase different outlaws. Just like street racers and bandits.


All of them need to be destroyed! You are chasing them. In a terms of you are destroying them all. You are keeper of the road. Policeman.  You are on police road patrol. And all of these are just like action movies of 80s. Just a style of Miami Vice. Or any kind of movie actions about policeman from 80s. About a good car and a shooting. All of these are part of style. It is forever classic of video cassettes. So this is a vhs format.

Videogame is made in retro style. I am a fan of system MSX2. Japanese computer from 80s. Or even MS DOS system. Just like 386 or even overpowered 486 processor. Yes, 8 bit times rules! 80s rules! Of course, it is also a videogame system Nes. All of these are also part of inspiration.


So, this is videogame about 80s, about action, about racing, about police clash with violators on the roads. 13 levels are awaiting you in this title. And you will go to earned vacation after that. Game has a story. And you can see it at the blue screen. You have a task for every level. For example, catch 7 bandits and 1 street racer. You need to destroy them all! Racing, shooting. And retro.

And, now, it is time to tell about development. It is now in final stage. I fixed everything. It is playable. And now I am playing in my levels by myself and I am is going to do some tune. So, it is time to play my game by myself. I am just racing the levels.And do some tuning to levels.


It will be everything complete, after that. I can write that it is version 1.0. And tell that videogame is done! And I need to spent some time for prepare all materials and decorations for publish game at resources and platforms. Just like Itchio and Gamejolt.

And one more moment. I make a decision, to try to set a price for a game. In size of 1 us dollar for Itchio and Gamejolt. This process, also will take some time. Because of I don’t have understanding how make such things. Maybe, even, for it is impossible.

Saying simple, I am playing my game right now. And making a finalization. And write that it is version 1.0.

 After that, I will do decorations and texts and set a dollar price. It will take some time.


And now, let’s go back to 80s and vhs format. Videogame is made under a big impression from all of these things. I am a fan of VHS, movies. And this game is, definitely, tries to extend 80s a style, as maximum long as it can be. Neon night, automobile and road. Some police story. You can remember some movies like Cobra, Terminator. Mad max movie, about a very styled car. Or knight rider, tv series. Automobile that is equipped with computer. Computer and automobile. So, this is science fiction innovation.


I am a fan of style for computers consoles like MSX2. Soviet clones of Zx Spectrum – for example, like Sintez 2. Or Kvant, or Delta C. And there were lots of them! I am  a big fan about how it looks technique of 80s. Such a things like video player of 80s. In early days, they were made of metal and they were big. With 80s style of design.

So, that’s why I make a story for this game in a form of text blocks. At the blue screen. Text goes up. Just like a text at the old computer, like 386 machine or MSX2, or text to a movie. In a style of computer decoration. Story has all the time references to 80s and synthesizers. And police moments in form of action movie. Automobile, road.

So there are cool, sequences for levels. In retro style. With a cool phrases. In a style of action movie heroes of those days. So, even personally for me, I can remember Billy Idol, music star of 80s.

Game itself represents as 13 levels. In a very different places. Cities, village landscape, deserts. Night, fog, and a snow. There is a track in winter. Levels with special effects like night or snow or raining, are goes in the end.

So, 13 arcade levels with shooting. And retro theme. So this is, what it is about!



Next up


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Announcing the Lost In Isolation FNaF Game Jam

The GameJam Starts Friday (submit games below)

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Hosted by @PlentyXD

Help from @hunterallen_ and me

Art by @Funkilicous and Yellw.00f

Level 3 - green forest. Fir-trees, trees. Lots of trees. A little of constructions, near the end.

Forest zone. Previous stage - city. And from city to the forest, new stage!



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Undercover state

Undercover Break – it is retro racing videogame with shooting. Game is designed under big impression from 80s. It is computers, movies and music.