Since we got the Main Protagonists out of the way, I was think of posting in some Antagonists. That's right, OverCross is going to have murderous, blood lust, psychotic, goofy and attractive villians (I don't know about the attractive part) without the villians, there won't be boss fights... that's literally what I like about Video Games; the pain in the ass Boss Fights! So anyways, do you guys want to see what the villians look like
Next up
Lust (Redesign)- The 7 Deadly Sins Yokai
Bensiam6397 X Loosey-fur Wolf | OverCross: Yo-Kai- Canon Ship
FYI, Loosey is a Transgender Girl and Bens Pansexual.
we got this
Benoct.DFX- Hybrid from Hell
Bensiam6397 and Loosey-fur Wolf Redesigns! I actually like how they look.
Logo Art by @ffatalityy , want to see cool art. Go follow that cool artist.
Block and Report this user. He sent me an inappropriate comment, and he has a post of a naked Anime Girl. @LOLIFUCKER here's his account.
"Be Strong Enough to be Gentle." -Peter Cullen, the voice of Optimus Prime
OverCross Develog-
Logo Art by @ffatalityy