This one's a drab one... Unfortunately I haven't worked much on the game this week, and likely won't have much to report for the next week either. However, I can comfortably say that the only two things I have to do is complete the different science experiments, and then the basic rover functions.
Now, that simply is just a loading screen since this is only a small project for school so don't expect any kind of moon racing simulator here. But, It's pretty exciting.
In other news, here's a few screenshots from the game that show off some of the temporary assets and work I've done. I can't remember if I already posted some of them, but they're here regardless!
I feel like if I can get the programming and everything sorted for the rover and science experiments sorted, I can start making changes to the graphics which luckilly don't really matter when it comes to the deadline. Though it would feel wrong for me to keep the game in this state for too long.
Anyways, here's to hoping week 4 will have something more interesting to share, as well as week 5 possibly having a video to cover if I'm able to pick up the effort!
Oh, and if anyone is interested in the particular reason why the game had pretty much no development done on it for a while... There's a long-term project in the works with a few friends that has been going full steam ahead and is just about to reach the prototype stage. In fact, I'm about to test it myself!