Immortal Sins
9 years ago

Weekly Update #19 [UPDATE]

It’s been a while. Ready for more?

Change in the release window for the Disc 1 Update

Let me start off with an update about the release of Disc 1 update. Unfortunately, due to obligations from the university and technical issues, I’m afraid I have to move the release date to Spring 2016 (unless otherwise). I understand your disappointment and anger (I am more so, since this is going to be a short game (planned max 6 hours) and takes longer to develop than I planned) but please understand that I have my own life and work, and since I am a one-man crew, it’s not easy for me to develop it. I apologize for this.

Next Preview Build is coming!

As the release draws near, I’ll be posting a new update to the mirrors soon (except the Steam Workshop version, due to limitations). Here’s what’s coming:

-The save manager’s import tool gets a new option where the user can select what slot the save will take should that file has an incorrect name. I t also has some adjustments to the UI.

-Added a new tool: The Backup and Restore Center. This allow the player to create copies of his/her saves on a diffrent folder. It’s more effective when combined with cloud storage services such as OneDrive.

-On the game’s engine, I will add mouse support. For now it is limited, but future builds will add up. In addition (in future builds) you may see some graphical changes (more on faces and a few batlers).

About Mac (and possibly Linux) support

This is something that I wanted to add, but due to limitations on the engine, is almost impossible. Although a new edition of the engine that I use (RPG Maker VX Ace) will be released in a few days (and that will allow export to Mac, Linux will have to use the HTML5 version), it’s going to be a hassle (hopefully a worthwhile for both you and me). Unfortunatelly, there are two issues: i) Since I live in Greece and there are capital controls in place, I cannot buy it without having funds to my PayPal account (which is currently, the only way to buy it). ii) This will need a complete re-write in order to port it as it uses diffrent language (and the current versions use a lot of custom scripts). In my opinion, it’s worthwhile, as the new edition brings new features (mouse and touchscreen support, support for resolutions higher than 640x480 and more) and it’s more robust. Note that the port to the new engine will happen some day, after finishing the game with the current engine version. Launcher is not affected for now.

CORRECTIONS: Okay, the last sentence (which is removed now) should not have been written at all as it wasn’t well thought out. First, Linux and Mac support won’t be availiable even if I have RMMV. It may be added later, when the game is finished and when I have a copy of the engine. Second, while I don’t mind donations, that drew the wrong image. I am so sorry about this.

That is all for now. See you in the next post.



Next up

Waz zis? An overhauled map? Yes. Coming soon.

It's still pretty early work, but I am working on making the UI more dynamic and sleek. Including faces changing depending on their HP.

Implementing Armor Corrosion. This put quite a dent in the target's armor for a short time.

It's a bit early, but I have something cooking. Keep an eye out.

A small teaser for the next update.

Wrote a tool that installs the game's dependencies. That means Northbridge will always use the latest version of the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime.

Added achievements. Because why not?

Jump List returns in the next update.

It's pretty early, but here's a look at a mob manager, handling the enemies in the game. The code streamlines the programming of the enemies. Hopefully, I can expand it to more useful ways.

Added the option to rebuild the cache. This will clear the cache and then decompress the files from the packages.