5 months ago

Well, look what I crafted today for you all - another reference for the same AU I posted Percy from - Paltronics' Experiments! Today's character is Charlie Cat, or rather, more formally known by Paltronics' Files - "Charlie Cat v.2"

Originally, he wasn't supposed to be created the second, after Percy - the staff wanted to create Mother Moose after Percy, due to her older version being on the right side of the original stage, however... Some complications came in, as she had both male and female features and due to Paltronics wanting the biotechnological version, the new version to also have those features, they decided to, while inspecting in how to make that possible, create Charlie Cat, as he seemed to be "the simpliest one to design", which did kinda ruin the original order the company wanted to do. The original order was supposed to look like this:

1. Percy Poodle 2. Mother Moose 3. Farmer Felix 4. Rowen Rat 5. Charlie Cat

However, due to those complications that came within the original design of Mother Moose, they had to change the order and the grey cat, who was supposed to be the last one designed out of the main gang, became the second one. Designing him, just like with Percy, was simple and didn't have any major complications. There was, however, a minor complication, related to the fact, that there were no shorthair grey cats, that could be used as a DNA sample, so they had to use the longhair grey cat (which is speculated to be a maine coon mix breed, however some also speculated to be a Norway forest cat mix breed), which did go better than having a shorthair Charlie Cat v.2 - as he was fluffier and seemed to be, thanks to it, way friendlier than the original one.

He and Percy, surprisingly enough, befriended each other, even though the original versions hated each other (it was related to the personalities, that were coded inside them and because of the myth, that cats and dogs can't be friends, which was programmed inside them, however the animatronics could still, somewhat, be friends, so they were frenemies, but mostly enemies), with it surprising many of the Paltronics stuff. It was the first sign, that the upgraded versions wouldn't have the same relationship, as the old versions had with each other, which did worry them a bit, especially with who Mother Moose and Farmer Felix were for each other, but that would be for another lore drop.

Charlie v.2 started to show another signs of being completely different from the original one - he didn't want to wear the clown clothes, as he saw them to be "too goofy for him", which was a problem for Paltronics, as they remembered the original Charlie having no problem with being the clown. What was, another sudden surprise, was his sense of humour - it did become mature, more natural, which was expected, since the updated versions were supposed to be more natural, way more expressive, way more durable and more, and way more funny for some people. Of course, he could still tell the same jokes, that the animatronic Charlie could do, but it was clear he was more of a comedian, than the clown, so after some time the staff decided to just... Let him be the comedian - they gave him new clothes, leaving only the hat, as it was the only thing he liked to wear from time to time, they gave him the microphone and everything seemed to go well.

Soon enough, after everyone were done and the playhouse was remade, he attracted lots of new people, especially within the teenage demographic, due to his "more" mature jokes. What people loved about him the most was, however, his relationship with Percy Poodle - they seemed to be best friends, unlike the old ones, who were frenemies, with the "enemies" part being the most visible. He seemed to talk more too, he got interested in playing instruments as well, with the one being the piano - he played the piano a lot, adding some climate to the main show.

It was perfect, things were going good, but as it was mentioned earlier, something changed and people started to go missing as they entered the playhouse...



Next up

So, remember what I posted yesterday? The mysterious cover art for something? So, imagine that I actually wrote a story for the AU I've been posting a lot on there for past few days?

Oh, look what I've created today for my AU - Paltronics' Experiments! It's Rowen Rat, or rather - Cowboy Rowen!

Oh, look what I created today for "Paltronics' Experiments" AU - "Farmer" Felix!

One year later...

Today, I had a very interesting thought about PWP, that made me draw the reference of Percy for that AU.

Cue the fanfare

Oh, look what I've created today - a reference! Additionally, for Percy, however... For a completely different AU, which some of you may or may not know about - Percy's Afterparty

Oh, what's this? A new chapter for the first book titled "The end of Animatronics" for my AU - Paltronics' Experiments. Yes, that's right - a new chapter has been released!

If you guys want more content while the team and I make something for the 1 year birthday of Playtime with Percy, the page for a super cool fangame made by @PSIAlfur just released! Check it out if you're interested: https://gamejolt.com/games/thepalresolve/894807

What's that? A new chapter for my PWP AU? That's right! A new chapter for this PWP AU has been released!