3 months ago

Wip of an image I’m really excited to share!!!



Next up

Some cards we made for a client’s project! It's called "Oyez-Oyez" and I will share more about it in the next days :D

Background by Yokomadame https://www.instagram.com/yokomadame?igsh=Y28yYjhzcHU4MWRl

Some sketches I made! I want to make an illustration with some kind of big creature and its guardian o/

Some more images for a game I worked on

The backgrounds are made by Yokomadame (her insta: https://www.instagram.com/yokomadame?igsh=Y28yYjhzcHU4MWRl )

The Witching Well

(Happy Halloween!)

Still working on the 3K mascot 👀

I took your ideas and tried to make a nice little mix ✨

i'll draw something else eventually, guys...

Last little image I wanted to share about this project!

I illustrated a board game with Yokomadame (https://www.instagram.com/yokomadame?igsh=Y28yYjhzcHU4MWRl)!

You’ll find more infos on my other posts but I just wanted to say that I’m going to AUTOGRAPH it in a few days at a festival!!!

Big boi

Little alien I saw in a dream.

Still working on our little mascot!

I should be able to post him tomorrow or on Tuesday 👀