10 hours ago

With the recent milestone of 4.4k followers and 150k likes, may I ask...

Why do you follow me?

I'm asking because things have been going terrible for me in terms of mental health.

Recently had arguments with people close to me for reasons I'd rather spare the details of. Drawing feels less and less rewarding, let alone personal projects. Even gaming has become more and more daunting as the new releases keep piling up on my backlog... etc...

I would take a break, but I've got a rather special thing planned next week, would be a shame to cancel it when it's about to happen.

Perhaps the post's a lil' bit attention seeking but I could use some motivation to keep going regardless...

Thank you for reading if you did, and please take care of yourselves, unlike I'm doing.



Next up

Yes, my Shadow Queen

Idk I still like this doodle of Klaus in Mario kart I drew a while back Felt like sharing ;3

Haven't done this in a while...

From card to art ;3

The Continent of Diverra

Sporty Toadette doodle for today.

It's been up and down frantically past few days, so I haven't got many large scale arts to show...

But I'll be fine, hope you are as well?

Deep inside ( hey sorry, i've been really slow with my comic, i didn't really know how to push things up, cuz it was kinda hard for me to make up something, so im just going to focus on other doodles that i want to draw )

"Milo, don't you think we're being... watched?"

"Huh, could've sworn we came past this shroom circle before..."

I drew the alphabet for volunteer work

Gave em some funny characteristics ;3

DeadbyDaylight Wallpaper The generator model is not mine, model is lifted from the game.

Already drew a Crumpy guy

Obviously Grodus was next ;3