First off, this has been one of the most successful months as far as Charged Stickers in a long while. I'm not exactly making bank on this (GJ just isn't meant to be a source of meaningful income) but it still helps a me out a lot, and I really appreciate the support!
Shout out especially to @HOWDIDIDOTHAT , @GrenkaDev
and @A_04, and all my other top supporters shown above!
Now, as for GUIDANCE, I was pretty dumb dumb and submitted some stuff for Review to Steam later than I should have. As a result, the new GUIDANCE demo won't be able to release on Steam for another couple days, despite being finished.
I COULD release the demo on Game Jolt first, but I want to release them at the same time, as getting the game on Steam is a really big step for me, and honestly wish-listing it is about the biggest way you can support right now.
Thankyou to everyone who already has ^.^
To help make up for the unfortunate delay, here's a little teaser!

So @ClapRose recently did some stuff based on this thingy right here :

And I wanna play around a lot more with my designs, and I think I might try this silhouette method a bit and see what I can come up with.
I want to really experiment with designs and improve my general design skills, as I feel like a lot of my designs aren't as imaginative as I think they could be.
I think doing the different iterations of the new Golem Lord design really taught me I can do a lot better. That's not me being hard on myself mind you, instead I'm excited to try and see what I can come up with if I put more effort into the designs themselves!
And what better place to test out weird art ideas than Joltober?!
I'm not going to be fully committing to it like last year, I'll just be drawing prompts when I want to, but I really wanna play with the designs and just make stuff that's really weird and different looking.
We'll see how that goes, but that's what I'm thinking! ^.^
Lastly, if you read this far, I actually got access to the Deadlock early tests a lil while ago, and I can invite anyone I friend on Steam to join.
Now, I'm an introvert, and I don't really like to have tons of people in my DMs, let alone on Steam- but I've been having a blast with the game, and since I have the privilege of a decent audience and semi-exclusive access to do so- I kinda wanna figure out some way to give access to the game to more people who really want it.
So, if you're interested in that, leave a comment and maybe I can hook you up. If I don't really know you I'll probably unfriend you afterwards, but I'm happy to share my access with others ^.^
Also, thankyou to Lily for inviting me to be part of this apparently still WIP game (it sure doesn't feel like it!)

Aaaaaand, that's about it!
You have a nice day now, and remember as always, to follow your heart!