1 year ago

You know what, haven't posted these and think they're good enough to the point I want to show them

Here are a bunch of random Mario characters I drew, if you ask about the size, they're all from different canvases and I just stuck them together

Don't worry, these are just random little thingies I do

As the poll I did before shows, y'all want more elaborate art, and I will do that elaborated art, it's just that I wanted to post these



Next up

#Gargoyle OK cool whatever, I was going to draw the Green Goblin, but then I realized IT'S MY TOADETTE PLUSH'S BIRTHDAY WOOOOOOOOOOOO Her name's Spaghetti and she has helped me through several emotional episodes, she deserves this :>

I think I've genuinely never mentioned the fact I've played Undertale

This was meant to be the #Spider thing for yesterday but my grandma decided to not allow me to

#Moon I had an epiphany to draw this

Is that what you kiddos call radical

Who's also excited for the new Mario & Luigi game?! #GJAsks

#Mask Oh wow he REALLY looks familiar

Wasn't really motivated today. Just have this Mr.Virtual doodle.

#Monster Why do I bother drawing Bosrrr

#Necromancer So since 2020 I've always done FNaW Mario versions of either my persona or Superstar Mayrio

This was very late on my standards but hey what's done is done, this is more of the necromanced than the necromancer tho


#CreepyDoll I didn't know anything to do but Tails Doll

So I did a lamer Tails Doll