Coloring Pixels
Post about Coloring Pixels!

Don't forget to like and follow the game page!

Updated jumpscare and design for "Experiment 001"

(Jumpscare is at 2x speed)

Make sure to like and follow the game!

Final title screen completed!

Watch out Ben...
New thumbnail out!
Make sure to follow:

I made this NES styled sprite of Solete's OC, Violetta, as revenge for an attack

Target's Profile:

Don't make a dead dog mad

Play the demo!

(note: unable to finish the demo it ends at chase scene)

I made a NES styled sprite of Donna Mcsquirt by Danielzombington as revenge

Target Profile:

Solo una mujer XD

I made a pixelated animation of Dread as part of a revenge attack on @SubterraneanExhibit

This is my OC, Caria

The first image is in #GameJoltColors24

The second is in original colors