

well after the stream and 2 hours later i finally got the animation sorted and when the enemies are knocked out or asleep. #7DFPS #Gamejam #solodev #retro #scriptlesscoding


1st day down for the #7DFPS and it 9hours for todays work, sorting out the ammo count so players don't go crazy with the tranq bullets, now i may need to work on the enemies and their animations. #gamedev #gamedjourney #solodev


working on a small project to help me understand the fps mechanics, so i got a good understanding for the game jam coming up. The 7DFPS. plus got one more the score space speed jam. #gamejams #7DFPS #Gdevelop

Working on something VERY cruel for the #7DFPS

Other Notch Games

Some cool, small games that Notch made for jams and for fun