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Dungeons & Dragons Online
Dungeons and Dragons
Dragon Ball


✨ bard time, bard time ✨

new DND game means new PC

Marie O'Nette, the silly puppeteer

#bard #puppeteer #dungeonsanddragons

I want to get better at landscapes--mountains are very fun!! This is a fortress from my D&D world, sitting in a portal to the Shadowfell.

#landscape #dungeonsanddragons #mountain

ArtFight attack 4--for my longtime friend WildeChild17! This is Frost, her human wizard whom she plays in one of the D&D games I run!

#dungeonsanddragons #artfight #teamstardust #attack #wizard

(mild gore) 🩸

Tabaxi rogue sees a vision of his own corpse in a graveyard.

#dungeonsanddragons #tabaxi #gore

Gotta watch out for those rooftop assassins.

#rogue #oc #fantasy #art #dungeonsanddragons