
The Inktober prompt was spicy, so I drew a chile pepper with a face •ᴗ•
#Inktober #Inktober2023 #art

👼🏻 Angel 👼🏻

• 3 illustrations
• 3 characters
• 3 videogames

👼🏻 Finding Paradise - Faye 👼🏻

#petitlen #faye #colinreeds #findingparadise #tothemoon #abirdstory #angel #rpgmaker #fanart #pixelart #aseprite #inktober #inktober2023 #joltober2023

U P D A T E !

Hey guys! Apparently GameJolt has an event similar to Inktober, probably?

What do y'all think I need to do?…

  48 votes Voting finished