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Silly Spamton doodle

Idk might conver it into digital later

#DELTARUNE #Spamton #DeltaruneFanart #Art #lilYosh #TradicionalArt

Lil' Yosh redesign let's goooo

Yeah I did digital art for once in my life

Honestly it's fun sketching but then doing decent line art is literal pain

Anyways more details about the incarnation of coolness(ind-e reference) in article!

Pizza tower is a banger game, with many amazing characters, but my favorite by far is Pizzaface, he is literally "what if pizza, but EVIL!?!!"/ref and I love that!

Anyways Happy Birthday Pizza Tower! You were a savior to platform games in it's darkest era

Kirby is the silliest most adorable character in all of fiction


I did your recolor challenge!

But why would I stop at a recolor if I could spend the entire day re-doing it in pixel art form hahaha :')

Ok, but like, this was very fun to make! thanks for making me post something again!