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Knuckles got Artistocrated and Mustached!

His name is: ... KUKUNUCKLES

Are you ready for round 2 >:33333333

#SonicABC #Sonic_Exe #Parody #Funny #Sprite #Knuckles #Aristocrat


Secret Area (feat. @SunFIRE 's Easter egg)

I think she's a lil bit too big lol

Note: This isn't the place she will stand (there will be another place with her easter egg ;J)

#Sonic #SonicExe #Sonic_exe #SonicGame #Sonic_Fangame


Guys! Remember what i said in the last post? :DD

"I could try to recreate Sally Exe NB in 3D"

Well... there we go ;D

I could recreate @JaizKoys 's Sally.exe CN and Sonic.exe NB...

(Read Article)


Crowbars and Planks!

Now in the game you can use crowbars!

And yes this sphere is currently a crowbar

#Made_with_Unity #Sonic #Sonic_exe #Cream #Sonic_Fangame #Horror #Game #Game_dev