General in Spoopy Jam

Since i'm hanging around. If anyone has a horror game completed or in the works, the One Dollar Horror boys (that's me & my mate) are here to give you an unbiased thorough playthrough and review. Hit me up in the DM's if you're interested! 🏆

the last breath that I know in one

Original hand painted graphics that were digitally converted and used in my new game, Moving Shadows!
Wounder if we will have a spoopy jam this year 🤔

Some in-game shots from my latest release, get it here:

My 32-bit Retro game has a demo, you can check it out here: #residentevil #silenthill #psx #unity #retro #survivalhorror

Now the Spoopy Jam is over, here is the only update I'll make to Night of the Summoned (except if required): save system, fancier sound control and tweakings here and there
I'll also start working on the bigger version (and sequel), Night of the Summoner
Well, you can go inside now and drop spooders in your house.
(Haven't published the post-jam update yet)