Games in The Gusto Community

Have fun sharing your cool shit!!

Evolution of Benjiro's Vector since I started working on it honestly I'm super content with his current look and I don't think I'm even gonna change it any further


Gotta Go Fast

Bad news guys I accidentally deleted everything by accidentally clicking the block- oh wait nvm

But yeah I managed to create it!

There's actually a reason why I did it this way than doing the standard way of doin it

bless the file extention

Working on Rails since idk what to work on majorly for this besides animation, they work just as the same as regular geometry as of now, but I'll just get their basic functions in soon


Pretty big things with this, I'll just give it a list


Well then

I played against Raxdflipnote in Skywars lmao

it didn't end well

Doing something

Basic Editor

Completely changing the layout making it a lot more simpler than before

Its long yes, but for the sake of optimization(at least I think) I must