Devblog in One More Experiment

Share your creations!

Hi! I created a dynamic moving platform that can be triggered with switches and pressure plates! Always useful to have in puzzle-platformers :D It will likely be in future puzzles! Stay tuned!…



Hi! We've been fixing one game breaking bug where pressure plates breaks if spamming jump or quickly placing and removing blocks over and over, as well as issues where multiple things rest upon the pressure plate.

>>> More in comments >>>

We're aiming to release the STEAM DEMO sometime in the middle of February/ beginning of March!
Please help us spread the word!

In the meantime we're finishing up the SteamWorks registration process!


Playing around with some Parallax Occlusion Mapping to create some trippy depth in stuff!

Here's some kind of "dimensional rift"!

Super easy to setup using Unreals built in material function!


We've just made a Steam account for the studio, to prepare for the Steamworks launch process! We hope to have a "coming soon" page avaliable soon!

Stay tuned, this is still very early!


What's up? Alot of things have been happening lately, he project now has a programmer on board! The focus for the programmer will be:

* Complex bug fixes
* Performance Optimization
* Code Cleanup

STEAM DEMO coming sometime in February/March



Playing around with some cool bubble effects! 🤩…

Credits to the amazing tutorial of Dean Ahsford

More artsy stuff is coming for the game! Stay tuned!

Hello! Once again sorry for the lack of updates. Life has been throwing stuff at me recently, and we're still trying to do more on the business side. Right now we're looking for different funding options. We just applied to Draknek Puzzle Grant!


We applied to Swedish Game Awards!! Wish us good luck!

Things are still moving a bit slow, we're still working for "free", and are trying to do more business related stuff! But the game is still in development, dont worry :)

We've just applied to gamehabitat Haven, a game studio startup program 😇 Wish us good luck and for us to be accepted! Were still a free time studio/project. But looking to change this soon with further development/release of One More Experiment.